Cheap Compost Tips
By Peter B Moore
Looking for a budget saving tip for your garden. Let's talk about reusing fallen leaves from the fall to help your garden year round. You can actually be everyone's favorite neighbor as you rake up leaves for your own good. Everyone will love you and you garden will become the best in the neighborhood.
You might be thinking I'm crazy but these leaves are full of plant nutrients and useful bacteria that help your garden year round. First layer the fallen leaves around your garden beds. This will help protect the soil during the winter time and by the time spring comes around a good percentage will have rotted away and their nutrients will give you a boost. Now for the fun part, you need to rake back up the leaves that did not rot away over the winter and add them to your compost bin.
You go take it two ways with a compost bin. I like to use chicken wire and back the leaves in tight while keeping them moist at all times. It takes about a year but the leaves turn into a crumbly dark compost that is great for the garden come spring time. You can also just take those paper yard waste bags and fill them with leaves and poke a few holes in the bag. Make sure you check the bags and keep the leaves damp, and you will get the same result in a year. The bag method is great for gardeners who have smaller gardens and not a good hiding spot for a compost pit. These leaves will give a boost of carbon into the ground that will only help your plants. A nice little trick is to mow over your leaves to break them down; this will help them break down quicker over the year.
I know this method takes some time but done year in and year out it will provide you with an easy and cheep method for good compost add-ons.
A quick an easy tip from
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